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The Bootstrap Grid

Learning Goals

At the end of this Tutorial you will be able to:

You can view a finished version of the Bootstrap grid layout web page you will create in this Tutorial by clicking the link below. The finished web page will open in a new tab of your web browser.

Sample image bootstrap-grid.html


About the Bootstrap grid system

Creating your Bootstrap grid web page

Adding the Bootstrap container class

Using the VS Code indentation guides

Creating a two-column layout in Bootstrap

Adding the Bootstrap row class

Adding the two Bootstrap col classes

Making your Bootstrap columns responsive

About the Bootstrap 12-column grid system

About the Bootstrap md (768px) breakpoint

Creating a three-column layout in Bootstrap

Creating a four-column layout in Bootstrap

Uploading your Bootstrap folder to GitHub

Further resources

About the Bootstrap grid system

When designing web pages, it is sometimes enough to arrange or layout content in a single column that stretches across the full width of the screen.

Such single-column layouts are typically used for headings and short blocks of text. See the examples below.

Sample image

More commonly, you will want to layout web page content in a grid of two, three or four columns. You can see some examples below.

Sample image

Bootstrap offers a built-in grid system that makes it easy to create such multi-column web page layouts.


Creating your Bootstrap grid web page

Let’s create a Bootstrap-based web page for working with multi-column layout grids. Here are the steps:

  1. In VS Code, open the bootstrap.html web page from your bootstrap sub-folder. You created this file and its folder structure in the previous Tutorial.
  2. Use the File | Save As command to save the file with the following new name:   bootstrap-grid.html
  3. Update the web page title and description as shown below. Introduction to HTML
This new file is located within your folder structure as shown below.

Introduction to HTML

Adding the Bootstrap container class

Column layout in Bootstrap is based upon a CSS class named container. This class is set inside the Bootstrap stylesheet file. So you don't need to create it in your own stylesheet.

Introduction to HTML

Let's add this Bootstrap-provided CSS class to your web page.

  1. Enclose the placeholder text, of a heading and a paragraph, within a pair of opening and closing <div> ... </div> tags. See below. Introduction to HTML
  2. Give your opening <div> tag a class name of container, as shown below. Introduction to HTML
  3. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file. In your web browser, it should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML

Notice how adding the Bootstrap CSS class of container has changed the layout of your web page content.

The container class has added some blank spacing around the four edges of your content, so that the content no longer pushes directly against the sides of the web browser window.

Introduction to HTML

To help you visualise this extra spacing, it is highlighted in pink above.

Boostrap will adjust this extra spacing responsively according to the width of the screen.

You can use the container class to create single-column layouts such as those shown below.

Introduction to HTML

By default, all content in a Bootstrap container is left-aligned, as in the two examples above.

To centre-align your content, simply add the Bootstrap class of text-center alongside the container. See the two examples below.

Introduction to HTML

The container class controls only the layout or 'positioning' of your content. To set fonts, colours and images, you will need to create your own CSS classes in your stylesheet file.

Using the VS Code indentation guides

Always use the indentation guides provided with VS Code when working with the Bootstrap grid.

You can make the VS Code indentation guides visible by pressing the Tab key or Spacebar to indent or 'push' content blocks with matching opening tag pairs in from the left of the screen. See the example below.

Introduction to HTML

Indentation guides will help you visually organise the blocks of content in your web pages.

In particular, they will help see if you have:


If you forget a closing </div> tag, the indentation guide is left hanging in space and goes nowhere, as you can see below.

Introduction to HTML

Or if you include an extra closing </div> tag, you can immediately see no matching opening tag exists. See below.

Introduction to HTML

The HTMLHint extension to VS Code will help you locate any such errors in your web pages.

If you forget to enter a closing </div> tag, you will see an error such as the following. Introduction to HTML And if you enter an extra closing </div> tag, HTMLHint will display a message like this. Introduction to HTML

In VS Code, let's display an indentation guide for our sample web page.

  1. In your bootstrap-grid.html file, use the mouse to drag over and select the placeholder text inside the opening and closing container tag pair. See below. Introduction to HTML
  2. Press the Tab key to indent the placeholder text. See below. Introduction to HTML You should now see the VSCode indentation guide as shown below. Introduction to HTML
  3. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file.

Creating a two-column layout in Bootstrap

When creating a single-column layout in Bootstrap, it is enough to use the container class.

To create multi-column layouts of two, three or more columns, however, you need to use two other Bootstrap CSS class:

  1. The row class, and
  2. The col class (which has different versions).

The following exercise provides an example.

  1. Copy the following placeholder text.
     <div class="container">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>    
    In your bootstrap-grid.html page, paste this new content under the already existing placeholder text. Your web page should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML Ensure your pasted content 'lines up' as shown above. Use the Tab key or Spacebar to do this.
  2. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file and view it in your web browser. It should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML

You can see the two sub-headings and their text paragraphs appear one above the other. Our task is to display them side-by-side in a two-column layout.

Adding the Bootstrap row class

Next, let's add the new Bootstrap class of row to enable a multi-column web page layout.

  1. In VS Code, add a new pair of opening and closing <div> ... </div> tags with a class name of row inside the container div tags as shown below. Introduction to HTML Again, ensure your content 'lines up' as shown above. Use the Tab key or Spacebar to do this.   In effect, you have now created two 'boxes': an outer or parent container box and an inner or child row box. Introduction to HTML
  2. Notice that you now have two closing </div> tags. The first one closes the row block and the second closes the container block.

    Adding the two Bootstrap col classes

    Your final task is to create the two columns. You will use the Bootstrap class of col.

    Here are the steps.

    1. Add a new pair of opening and closing <div> ... </div> tags with a class name of col around the content for each column as shown below. Introduction to HTML The layout structure of your web page now is as shown below. Introduction to HTML
    2. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file. In your web browser, it should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML

    That’s it. You have successfully created a basic, two-column web page.

    Making your Bootstrap columns responsive

    Bootstrap columns you create with the class of col are not responsive to the size of the user's display device. For example, the layout you created above will appear as two columns on both mobile and tablet/desktop/laptop screens.

    Introduction to HTML

    Typically, you will want your layout that appears in multiple columns on bigger screens to 'collapse' into a single-column on small screens. See the example below.

    Introduction to HTML

    To achieve this, you need to understand two important concepts:

    About the Bootstrap 12-column grid system

    The grid system supplied with the Bootstrap CSS stylesheet is actually based on a total of 12 columns. See below.

    Introduction to HTML

    In practice, however, you would never want to layout a web page in 12 columns from left to right across the screen. To create more realistic layouts of two, three and four columns, you need to group together or 'bundle' Bootstrap's built-in columns. See below.

    Introduction to HTML

    In summary:

    About the Bootstrap md (768px) breakpoint

    In a previous Tutorial about Media Queries you learnt about breakpoints in responsive web design.

    A breakpoint is a screen width at which the appearance of a web page (such as columns, colours or other CSS property) can change. Media queries are written in a stylesheet as follows.

    Introduction to HTML

    The breakpoint most commonly used by web designers is 768px. In simple terms, any screen less than 768 pixels wide is regarded as a 'small' screen. And any screen that is 768 pixels wide or wider is a 'big' screen.

    In Bootstrap, this 768 pixels breakpoint is known by the two letters md (for medium).

    Here are the CSS classes provided by the Bootstrap stylesheet for creating responsive multi-column grid layouts:

    In every case, the content of columns with these Bootstrap classes will display on mobile-sized screens in a single column.

    Let's return to our sample web page and make the two-column layout responsive.

    1. In VS Code, in the bootstrap-grid.html file, replace the col class names with the col-md-6 names as shown below. Introduction to HTML
    2. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file.
    In your web browser, the web page should display as shown below on large and small-sized screens. Introduction to HTML


    You can see an example of the finished web page below.

    Bootstrap web page with one and two-column layouts.

Creating a three-column layout in Bootstrap

Next, we will create a responsive three-column layout in Bootstrap. Here are the steps:

  1. In the bootstrap-grid.html web page, under the existing content, copy-and-paste the following:
     <div class="container">
       <div class="row">
          <div class="col-md-4">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
          <div class="col-md-4">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
          <div class="col-md-4">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
  2. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file and view it in your web browser. It should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML

That’s it. You have successfully created a responsive, three-column grid.

You can see an example of the finished web page below.

Bootstrap web page with one, two and three-column layouts.

Creating a four-column layout in Bootstrap

Next, we will create a responsive four-column layout in Bootstrap. Here are the steps:

  1. In the bootstrap-grid.html web page, under the three-column layout, copy-and-paste the following:
     <div class="container">
       <div class="row">
          <div class="col-md-3">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
          <div class="col-md-3">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
          <div class="col-md-3">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
          <div class="col-md-3">
             <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla exercitationem ipsum enim natus soluta rem eos? In dicta eius, reprehenderit illo odit mollitia nulla ex et odio minus expedita numquam!</p>
  2. Save your bootstrap-grid.html file and view it in your web browser. It should look as shown below. Introduction to HTML

More success! You have created a responsive, four-column grid.

You can see an example of the finished web page below.

Bootstrap web page with one, two, three and four-column layouts.

Uploading your Bootstrap folder to GitHub

Follow these steps below to upload your entire Bootstrap folder to your website on GitHub.

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and go to If you are not already signed in to your GitHub account, sign in now. github-signin
  2. On your GitHub home page, click the name of the repository (‘repo’) that holds your web pages. Its name will look as follows, where username is your chosen username on GitHub. github-signin
  3. On the next GitHub screen displayed, click the Add file button near the right of the screen and choose Upload files from the dropdown list. github-upload-portfolio
  4. In File/Windows Explorer, select your bootstrap folder, and drag-and-drop it to your repository on GitHub. Introduction to Images
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the GitHub screen, and accept or edit the short message (Add files via upload) in the Commit changes box.   Finally, click the green Commit changes button to upload your entire bootstrap folder and all the files it contains.

Your uploaded web page is published on GitHub at a web address similar to the following, where username is the username you have chosen for your GitHub account:

It may take a few minutes for your uploaded files to appear on GitHub.

Further resources

Learn the Bootstrap 4 Grid System in 10 Minutes
From Free Code Camp

Video: Using the Bootstrap 4 Grid
From Academind

Video: Bootstrap 4 Containers
From The Net Ninja YouTube Channel

Video: Bootstrap 4 Grid Basics
From The Net Ninja YouTube Channel

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